Media Training for Athletes
If you are an athlete on any scale, receiving professional media training is necessary. Media training is designed to help athletes navigate all levels of media interviews and public appearances.
Mock Interviews
Athletes never know when they will be interviewed during a sporting event. It could be on the way to the locker room, in the locker room or on the court or field. You must be ready to tell your story. Mock interviews will allow you to practice various types of media interviews in multiple real-time like settings.
Athletes are sought after 24/7 thanks to social media. Athletes should be ready to answer media questions via telephone, social media and in-person. Due to social media, reporters have various ways of contacting athletes. Athletes must be properly trained to handle the interviews and their brand.
Panel and Press Conference
On many occasions, athletes will be interviewed in many formats. Post game interviews are normally done in panel formats. Athletes sit on a stage with multiple types of reporters asking questions. Athletes must be prepared to represent themselves and their teams during panel interviews.
It happens, you hit the winning shot and win the game. Athletes must expect they will be interviews while still celebrating on the court. Although the athlete will be caught up in the moment, they still must conduct a professional interview.
Be Outstanding On and Off the Court or Field.
Public Appearance
Within the first 5-7 seconds of someone seeing or meeting you, they make a judgement about you. It could be a bad impression or a good impression that the person makes. If you are an athlete and you see a coach or an athletic recruiter, you want to always make s good first impressions..

Positive Image
As an athlete, your image is as important as your talent. Coaches not only want good players, they want good people Starting at a very young age, you should strive to develop and keep a good reputation. Once you get older, you should be cautious about your personal image.

Protect Your Brand
No one can represent who you are and what you stand for better than you. At all times, coaches and recruiters will be watching you on and off the court or fields. Be mindful of who you represent and protect your image as an athlete.

Mannorisms are needed in all aspects of an athletic career from grade school to the professional level. Your demeanor as an athlete should represent all of the qualities that represent your team.
Allow Your Mannorisms to Shine.
Social Media Etiquette
One of the best ways to destroy your athletic career is post inappropriate posts on social media for the work to see. Social media is permanent and will follow you from grade school to the professional league. Do not let a 10 year-old post destroy the opportunity to get an athletic scholarship or an opportunity to play on a professional team.
Tools Without Rules
Learn the positive and negative ways social media can affect your life, your job and your future. Understand how social media can impact students, athletes and business professionals.
Post Positive
Learn how your posts can impact family and friends relationships. Learn how to keep positive relationships using social media. You will also learn the good and bad of social media.
Social Media Types
Learn how to effectively use Podcasts, vlogging, blogging, online videos, Apps and online broadcasts.